Wednesday, December 8, 2010

leadership development

"Effective leadership requires us to exercise and develop both our relationship with God and our skills as a leader" -Ron Luce

A few weeks ago we had the privilege of having Ron Luce address a large group of our Student & Children leaders. One main area that he focused in on, was the need to develop as LEADERS. Often we develop our "ministry" skills and forget about developing our "leadership" skills, when in all reality we need them both to be effective.

As leaders we know the priority of focusing in on our spiritual growth. However many of us lack a focus on developing as a leader. Ron shared this key thought...

"Just as you need to be deliberate about growing in your relationship with Jesus Christ, you also need to be deliberate about developing your leadership skills."

What are some ways we as leaders can place an "emphasis" on developing as leaders?

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