Observation #1: They Want to Belong Before They Believe.
Their basis for making decisions is more relational than logical. If you hope to get them to embrace an idea-embrace them first.
Observation #2: They Want an Experience before an Explanation.
They want to do or see something. They want action and interaction. So instead of asking, “What do I want to say?” we should ask ourselves, “How can I say it creatively and experimentally?”
Observation #3: They Want a Cause Before They Want a Course.
If you want to seize the attention of students today, plan to give them a reason for why they need to listen to your words.
Observation #4: They Want a Guide on the Side Before They Want a Sage on the Stage.
When students were recently asked about their heroes, for the first time in over twenty years they did not list an athlete at the top of the list. Their number-one response was “Mom and Dad.” They’re looking for mentors-authentic mentors.
Observation #5: They Want to Play Before They Pay.
Usually, they love events but don’t enjoy the process of growth.
Observation #6: They Want to Use but Not be Used by Others.
They don’t want to be a project or the target of some marketing campaign. They want to take the initiative and remain n the driver’s seat.
Observation #7 They Want a Transformation, Not Merely a Touch.
It used to be that communicators needed to have interesting information. Next, it was good stories. Then, it was audiovisuals. Later it was to share experiences. Now I believe students want experiences that literally transform them in the process.
THIS excerpt came from the book “Generation iY -Our Last Chance to Save Their Future” by Tim Elmore it is a GREAT read for leaders.
I have been reading this book and so is Chris. Great resource.