The Untold Story
It’s here! 2011 has come flying in and with it the opportunity to forever change your life and impact the world! We are going to take some time over the next few weeks to tell the stories of lives covered with the fingerprints of God and the ones He sent to touch them, but every life is a story. You have a story; your grandma has a story; the Bible is full of stories of men and women of God who stepped out in faith and forever changed history! One of the saddest things, though, is a story unlived.
In Eph 2:10, it tells us “For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” We were created as a masterpiece with a story to live! We never know what kind of an impact He wants to be made in someone else’s story by us stepping up to live ours. Has your story been impacted by someone taking the risk to reach out and touch you? What are the untold stories that lie ahead for you and others?
You are invited to join us in changing the stories in the lives of people around the WORLD! Whether you go on one of our adventures in the States or travel with us to a foreign country, I guarantee you will have the opportunity to look back at the end of the year and know that you touched someone’s life. The joy on the faces of children in the Appalachians who receive Christmas, the tears of a woman who has just experienced the healing hand of God in Ethiopia, and the salvation of a young man who found hope in Haiti are just a few of the examples of how God changes the world through people “doing their part.” Please pray about taking the time to GO with us in 2011 to make an IMPACT!
For a complete list of 2011 trips OR to download your Impact Missions Adventures TRIP APPLICATION go to www.impactym.com today!
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