Imagine, if you will, traveling up the side of a Central America mountain in a Toyota 4runner. The only road is actually an old river bed, but that doesn’t matter because you are on the adventure of a lifetime. Upon arrival in this remote village, it doesn’t take much to realize that traffic is rare. The people run to see what the commotion is about and stand wide-eyed as the “gringos” unload. We had come to visit the site where a new church will be built, and we see the people clearing the land by hand with machetes. The pastor is an 18 year old young man who is receiving his degree at the PCG Bible Institute a couple of hours away. He is full of zeal for the Lord and passionate about leading his people to Jesus!
Now, journey with me to another village not too far away from there; where we have come to share our stories and testify to the amazing healing power of our Savior. As the service starts, the room fills with women who have suffered unimaginable acts in a culture that has stood silent on such matters. While our stories of hope begin to unfold, the Holy Spirit unravels the years of pain that has been inflicted. From young to old we are privileged to see the divine rewriting of their stories. To see firsthand the reality of Beauty for Ashes is something that has an eternal impact.
A couple of hours from these villages is a community tucked away on the side of a mountain where God is moving. The Pentecostal Church of God Bible Institute is located on a little piece of heaven. To see the stories that are being written and changed in this place that will literally reach across a nation stirs an undeniable fire. You don’t have to walk far from the campus to hear the ringing laughter of children. Our school is full of young leaders being given a unique opportunity to get a Christian-based education in an impoverished country. As in any culture, their vigor for life is contagious and a good reminder of why we were created.
Even as I sit remembering these stories and the forever IMPACT that was made in my life through them, there is a verse in Proverbs that comes to mind. King Solomon wrote in Prov. 11:25 “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” The inspiring fire that’s caught, the hope that’s brought, and the difference that’s being made all combine into an awesome opportunity to refresh and be refreshed. These stories have just skimmed the surface of what one can experience on a Mission Adventure to Honduras.
Are you ready to GO?
GO with Impact to Honduras July 31- August 8th
Visit www.impactym.com to download your application TODAY!
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