Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Impact Minnesota Day 3 (6/01/10)

Day 3- My guest Cheryl proudly sported her new Special Touch t-shirt that she bought today! The first place she wore it was to chapel.

There are 3 separate daily schedules for the guests: Yellow Schedule for physical disabilities and a Green Schedule for mental disabilities (which is divided up between High & Low cognitive abilities). Each schedule has different activities and chapels specifically designed for each of them. We our on the low green schedule and had our first morning chapel today with Larry & Carolyn Campbell (who also gave us a ride on Sunday!). Everyone participates in chapel! During worship, all the guest either get a puppet or a musical instrument like bells, maracas, or spoons. They get to dress up and act up Bible stories. They also get to take turns praying and giving testimonies. The guests all want to get involved in the services, they love it! We even had one guest play the piano and sing for us and he was AWESOME!

Lexi took her guest to craft and taught them how to do knuckles. She had 3 guest in her care today. It was a long day for her, but I love how she steps up to the challenges that our presented to her and gives it her all! She is doing an amazing job and loves hanging out with her guest.

We also took a tour of the lake on a pontoon. Our guest loved it, it was very beautiful! Later on in the afternoon we went to a luau. The guests all got leis and other small prizes. Then we had a giant marshmallow gun war, which was pretty intense. Some of the guests have amazing aim!

It was a very long and fun day. Love from Katie and Lexi Lou!

(Katie VonAllmen)

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